THE GREEN DIARY : Friday, 10 July 2020.

I have seen the sun break through
to illuminate a small field
for a while, and gone my way
and forgotten it. But that was the pearl
of great price, the one field that had
treasure in it. I realize now
that I must give all that I have
to possess it. Life is not hurrying

on to a receding future, nor hankering after
an imagined past. It is the turning
aside like Moses to the miracle
of the lit bush, to a brightness
that seemed as transitory as your youth
once, but is the eternity that awaits you.

The Bright Field : R S Thomas

I have become a real hayseed, so say some of you! A country mouse. The 4th of July is only six days ago and already the itchy feet are beginning to stir; though perhaps not mine, quite. Thank you for all your comments. One of the reasons for keeping this diary going during lockdown is to stay in touch with my wide family of friends everywhere and its good to hear from you. As I navigate my way through the widgets, platforms and instances of Web-making and attend more zooms and webinars, the construction becomes slightly easier though I do still find this algorithmic world confusing and frustrating – so if there are mistakes please forgive me. You can always unsubscribe which would be sad. Anything you say onsite passes through “Admin” – such a terrifying thought! “Admin” is me; it turns me into a sort of private censor board so all comments and replies come to my email address first and anything too private can be discreetly handled, shall I say? Some of you prefer simply emailing me and that’s lovely too.

Continue reading “THE GREEN DIARY : Friday, 10 July 2020.”

THE GREEN DIARY : Thursday, 18 June 2020.


Ninety-six days into the Lockdown and the extraordinary thing is the speed with which this has flashed by. No matter the hours spent in contemplation, the inevitable boredom that would normal slow the day, we are experiencing the exact opposite – there are not enough hours in the day to complete the daily round! Friends all – are you experiencing something similar? Many of you of course are able to work from home and are probably just as busy there as in your office or studio or surgery? Webinars and Zooming are the new communication landscape and may prove to outlast this pandemic when it is shown we simply cannot return to the old ways.

Continue reading “THE GREEN DIARY : Thursday, 18 June 2020.”

THE GREEN DIARY : Friday, 5 June, 2020.



Post Covid

Friends –

Many of you asked us to keep you in the loop about our Covid Tests.

Both Tony & I have tested positive which in a way we are glad of : the knowing that we have had it is somehow comforting and even if it provides no immunity, at least we know that our systems seem to be robust enough to survive it if it recurs. Of course we hope that it might prove we have some form of immunity in the long run, but hey, lets wait and see.

In the meantime we are cautioned to stay under lockdown and follow the orders of the scientists – not Demonic Cummings or his sock puppet!

Bon Chance All. Thank you.

Onward and Upward!

Turning a road into a garden! Or trying to.
The Backyard

MILAN : April 2017.

25th April 2017

It’s National Liberation Day today here in Milan and a public holiday to celebrate the end of the Nazi Occupation and Fascist Era in Italy.

The Duomo

There is a lot of protest round the Duomo but otherwise things are quiet, no traffic coming in from Linate Airport, the Airport Express Bus dropping us at that monolithic icon of Mussolini’s reign, the Central Railway Station. 

Continue reading “MILAN : April 2017.”

THE GREEN DIARY : Thursday, 28 May 2020.


Terns on The Green

On Tuesday morning last, we woke to glorious sunshine. Our bedroom window overlooks The Green and there we saw a fantastic sight; never before have we seen such a thing: hundreds of Terns squadroning the skies above; a great flock of them wheeling, weaving, diving, turning and exulting it would seem, in the warm morning. 
Were they lost? Had their bearings somehow become impaired? Had no leader emerged to take them all off to the estuary where they usually love wading and shrimping? Was it ominous? It was certainly beautiful and it went on for nearly an hour. Nobody knows; yes, it was almost spooky.

Continue reading “THE GREEN DIARY : Thursday, 28 May 2020.”

THE GREEN DIARY : Sunday, 17 May 2020.


Yesterday we drove into London. The first time there and away from Mistley for 64 days. 

During this time no-one other than us has set foot in our home here.

It was strange; rather like going back to boarding school; a feeling of foreboding; of leaving something familiar and going somewhere strange. Certainly our anxiety levels were raised.

I had to have my knees X-rayed and Tony had to have a blood test, Tony at the Wigg Clinic in Kentish Town and me at UCH on Euston Road.

Continue reading “THE GREEN DIARY : Sunday, 17 May 2020.”